Customer Testimonials

Proof that our training is a cut above the rest.


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Gave our head ballet coach a rating of 5 stars


Gave their overall experience a rating of 10/10

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Meet Our Head Coach: Shannon

Certified Ballet Instructor (RAD-RTS, PBT, B.A.)

With over 10 years of ballet teaching experience, Shannon has the knowledge and tools to perfect any student she works with. She is a fully certified teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance, a certified Progressing Ballet Technique instructor, and has also studied Vaganova pedagogy under master Russian tutors. A firm believer in proper ballet biomechanics, Shannon’s teaching always incorporates the latest research in functional anatomy, dance medicine, psychology, and neuroscience as it relates to ballet and dance technique.

Meet Our Other Pro Ballet Coaches

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Want Better Pirouettes?
Our on-demand PIROUETTE BOOTCAMP series is your secret weapon to nailing perfect pirouettes.
Learn from
Pro Turner Elisabeth Beyer
Our on-demand PIROUETTE BOOTCAMP series is your secret weapon to nailing perfect pirouettes.
COVID may be over, but we are still working hard to provide the highest quality virtual training.
COVID may be over, but we are still working hard to provide the highest quality virtual training.